Why Narratives Matter | AMA Health Equity Communications
How can narratives impact the story that research findings...
How can narratives impact the story that research findings...
Guiding principles on using terms to refer to community or study groups. Source: American Medical...
Communicating inclusivity through intentional...
HERCULES partnered with Emory’s Nell Hodgson Woodruff School of Nursing’s Center for Children’s Health Assessment, Research Translation, and Combating Environmental Racism (CHARTER) to...
This MOU Guidance helps facilitate conversations for community-academic partnerships to establish a mutual understanding for expectations and goals for a...
This guide provides resources to help you consider language and visuals that you use in presentations, grant proposals, and publications to ensure inclusivity....
In May, Alma College hosted a commemoration event to honor those who advocated for Michigan residents impacted by the largest food contamination in US history and to highlight the ongoing commitment...
The HERCULES Community Engagement Core played a role in bringing partners together to identify and address lead soil contamination in West Atlanta. These partners collaborated on a recent publication...
Since 2020, the HERCULES Community Engagement Core and its Stakeholder Advisory Board have participated in a collaborative process to address racism within HERCULES and their partnership. They...