Community Engagement Core

Melanie Pearson, PhD, CEC Director
Erin Lebow-Skelley, MPH, CEC Manager

The HERCULES Community Engagement Core offers community engagement (CE) consultation services to HERCULES investigators. The CEC supports HERCULES investigators’ efforts to engage with external partners throughout the different phases of their research. Services offered to HERCULES investigators include: consultations for including CE in grant proposals, facilitating community partnerships, CE-related IRB technical assistance, community meeting planning consultation, consultation on community partnership evaluation, data report-back to research participants, research summaries for non-scientific audiences, and media training.

Service Information & Request form

"*" indicates required fields

HERCULES Members: Please indicate which Community Engagement Core services you are interested in and we will follow-up with you shortly to schedule an initial meeting. If you have any questions, please email Erin Lebow-Skelley, CEC Coordinator.

The HERCULES Community Engagement Core supports HERCULES Scientists’ efforts to engage with external partners at different phases of their research. Please refer to the list of services available to HERCULES Members below and use the request form at the bottom of the page to request any of the listed services. In addition to the services below, we invite all HERCULES Scientists to attend any of our quarterly Stakeholder Advisory Board meetings and meet our partners.

Additional Details: 

  1. CEC personnel are not allowed to directly participate in research activities, so CEC personnel may not engage in any activity that would require CEC personnel to be added to an IRB protocol.
  2. CEC services are intended to provide guidance and support for HERCULES scientists to include community engagement in their work and not to serve as extra staff time for projects.
  3. Additional resources for study design and assistance in IRB and human subjects related matters are available through the Clinical/Population Research Services. If you would like to also request consultation with this resource please make a note in your request and complete the form below.
  4. CEC consultation services are provided based on the CEC personnel time needed, population served, and other pending requests. CEC personnel will dedicate 8 hours per month to providing CEC consultation services to HERCULES investigators.
PLEASE NOTE: This form is intended for use by HERCULES Members (i.e., faculty/scientists from Emory and other HERCULES affiliated institutions). If you are not a HERCULES member, please email Erin Lebow-Skelley at to inquire about HERCULES community engagement.
Consultation Service Requested:*
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