Learning what’s in our exposome at the Atlanta Science Festival
Families from Atlanta learned about the chemical toxicity of products in their home at the 2021 virtual Atlanta Science Festival. Using the Environmental Working Group’s Healthy Living app, families were sent on a mission inside their home to identify household products that were low concern/hazard (Green) and high concern/hazard (Red) and to report back! Thumbs up indicates Green, thumbs down indicates Red.The goal of this activity was to highlight the many chemicals we are exposed to at low levels every day, from items in our home that we don’t typically view as harmful. These chemicals can build up over time and contribute to our exposome.
Families were pointed to the HERCULES infographic ‘Reducing toxicants in our homes’ for ideas on where to find these chemicals and how to reduce exposure. For more information on DIY healthier alternatives check out HERCULES infographics for household cleaning products or personal care products! You can also find other environmental health apps here.
Learn more about the Atlanta Science Festival and Science ATL at https://atlantasciencefestival.org/