Roadshow Grantee: SEJA – City of South Fulton, District 7
Phase 1: Exposome Roadshow Workshop
District 7 is in the southeast corner of the City of South Fulton, with Fairburn and Union City to the west/northwest and Fayette county to the east/southeast. Residents of South Fulton are concerned about a variety of issues in their environment such as such as food access, water and air pollution, storm-water, public safety, healthcare access, traffic, manufacturing and waste facilities, and litter. In particular, these state and federal thoroughfares attract large trucks that emit both air and noise pollution.
Residents seeking to address these environmental issues came together virtually with Emory HERCULES in November and December 2022 to share their environmental health concerns, learn about the exposome, and identify an environmental health priority. As a result, a group of residents committed to working together to address a specific toxic waste facility in their district.
Phase 2: Planning Grant
Residents who came together in Phase 1 were awarded $1000 in January 2023 to develop an Action Plan to address the community need identified during the Roadshow:
Close and remediate the toxic waste facility located within a mile of dense subdivisions
Phase 3: Action Grant
Residents who completed the Planning Grant (Phase 2), now the Southside Environmental Justice Alliance (SEJA), were awarded a $2500 Action Grant in May 2023 to put their plan into action.
Project Title: Industry – Time to move on
Project Mission: Through our grassroots research and organizing efforts, we will empower our community members to effect necessary policy changes. As a result, we will transform our area from a marginal industrial fringe to a vibrant, healthy community, striking a balance between human needs and environmental conservation.
Project Goals:
We aim to research and collect data and educate community members about nearby industrial facilities and their health effects. We will then begin the process of remediation, as well as habitat restoration, with an end goal of converting property into a conservation area and environmental education site.
Read about some of SEJA’s Action Grant accomplishments here.
Phase 4: Sustainability Grant
To sustain their efforts, SEJA was awarded $2500 in May 2024.
Project Title: Community Engagement and Megaphone`
Project Mission Statement: We aim to inform our community about how industrial pollution affects health and how to move toward a healthier environment through civil engagement, social cohesion, and advocacy.
Project-Specific Health Priority Goals:
- Research and education on air quality and community health impacts from local pollution sources.
- Educate within the community, organize, and implement solutions for improving human and environmental health.
Organizational Capacity Goals:
- To engage effectively in the community to educate and organize
- To grow the organization through membership.
- To achieve Nonprofit Status.
- To develop a strategic plan for the organization.
- To successfully advocate for local, county, and state environmental policy.