Environmental Health Sciences Pilot Grants
- Cover page:
- Project Title (200 character limit)
- Investigators: Provide name, contact information, institution, and department of the Principal Investigator (PI); and the name, institution and department of any co-investigators.
- Abstract: Include a paragraph summarizing the proposed research and its environmental health relevance.
- Relevance to Communities: Describe immediate or future relevance to local communities, if applicable.
- Environmental Health Advancement: Include a sentence explaining how the research will advance exposome research, general environmental health research, or cancer science, as applicable.
- Science portion (4 page maximum length, 11 point Arial, 1-inch margins):
- Should be written in the style of an NIH R grant, with specific aims, significance, innovation, and approach.
- Include a sentence describing your consultation with HERCULES Facility Core(s) (including meeting date and attendees). If not utilizing a Core please briefly describe why.
- References, cover page, and grant potential (see below) are not included in the page count.
- Grant Potential: (300 word limit): Describe how findings from the proposed research will help ground a future NIEHS or other environmental health focused NIH grant application. Include an outline of the remaining experiments or data collection, if any, that will need to take place before an R-level application can be submitted, and a timeline for when the submission will occur. The content of this section will carry considerable weight on review.
- Project Timeline: Provide a proposed timeline of tasks and milestones in project progress for the 12-month grant period.
- NIH Biosketch of PI and all co-investigators
- Full NIH budget & justification on PHS 398 form (pages fp4 and fp5):
- Consult with your ROAR pre-award manager to develop your budget.
- Funding up to $30,000 direct costs may be requested.
- Funds budgeted for HERCULES Core services should be adjusted to account for services provided free or on a discounted basis to pilot awardees. Budget details should be discussed at the required Facility Core consultation meeting.
- Indirect costs should not be included in budget. Budgets are administered in RSPH, are not subject to the Emory Collaboration policy, and F&A is not shared with the collaborating department.
- Faculty salary support up to a maximum of 5% effort may be requested (combined effort of all participating faculty, NIH salary cap limit applies).
- All federal and university rules and regulations regarding the administration of grants apply to these funds. Costs subject to CAS approval, such as computers, general purpose equipment, office supplies, etc., may not be budgeted. Any travel must follow Emory University travel policies and procedures.
- Human Subjects:
- Will your study include human subjects or data (biospecimens or information) obtained from living individuals? If yes, please briefly describe the data in a few sentences and prepare to complete the NIH Human Subjects forms as part of this application. Contact Hillary Barton for required forms or any questions hillary.barton@emory.edu
- NIH-Format Protection of Human Subjects section
- NIH-Format Planned Inclusion Enrollment Report or Cumulative Report if working with existing data
Helpful links:
- Human Subjects Decision Tree https://grants.nih.gov/grants/policy/hs/private-information-biospecimens-flowchart.pdf
- Human Subjects Exemptions Chart https://grants.nih.gov/sites/default/files/exemption_infographic_v8_508c_1-15-2020.pdf
- NIH Application Guide https://grants.nih.gov/grants/how-to-apply-application-guide/forms-f/general/g.500-phs-human-subjects-and-clinical-trials-information.htm#3.1
Email a compiled electronic version (PDF) of the application to Hillary.Barton@emory.edu
- Applications are scored based on the following criteria: Overall Impact (potential to support an NIEHS R-level grant application), Significance, Innovation, Approach, Investigator (for junior investigators, likelihood of independence), Alignment with HERCULES Goals, and Collaboration (with HERCULES Cores or other investigators).
- Decisions are made mid-March. Funding starts April 1 and ends March 31.
- Visit the HERCULES FAQ page: https://emoryhercules.com/pilot-program/funding-information/
- For HERCULES Pilot Program questions, contact Mike Caudle, m.caudle@emory.edu
- For Winship questions, contact Margaret Johns, johns@emory.edu
- For CHARTER questions, contact Jasmine Irish, irish@emory.edu