HERCULES collaborative publication: Developing and Implementing In-Person and Virtual SoilSHOPs in Atlanta, Georgia, as a Community-Engaged Approach to Screen and Prevent Soil Lead Exposure
The HERCULES Community Engagement Core played a role in bringing partners together to identify and address lead soil contamination in West Atlanta. These partners collaborated on a recent publication describing their partnership and process of implementing SoilSHOPs to screen and prevent soil lead exposure. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36947844/
Saikawa, E., Lebow-Skelley, E., Hernandez, R., Flack-Walker, F., Bing, L., & Hunter, C. M. (2023). Developing and Implementing In-Person and Virtual SoilSHOPs in Atlanta, Georgia, as a Community-Engaged Approach to Screen and Prevent Soil Lead Exposure. Journal of Public Health Management and Practice, 29(4), E157-E161.