Technical Assistance
Organization Name | Services Offered | Topic | Phone | Web Page |
Atlanta-area Evaluation Association | The AaEA Pro-Bono Committee supports the important work of community organizations by offering in-kind program planning & evaluation services to nonprofit organizations in Atlanta with the aim of building the evaluation capacity of organizations and strengthening the capacity of evaluators. | Evaluation | N/A | Link |
Atlanta Regional Commission | Information on the state implementation plan as well as information on ozone, particulate matter, air quality planning, and climate change. | Outdoor Air Quality | 4404-463-3100 | Link |
Atlanta Volunteer Legal Fund | To create safe and stable homes and families by inspiring attorneys to fight for equal justice. | Law | 404-521-0790 | Link |
Green Law | Numerous legal tools for Geogia citizens, including a form letter for Open Records Act Requests. | Environmental Law | 404-659-3122 | Link |
Centers for Disease Control | Lead assessment tools, tool-kits, and trainings. | Lead | 800-CDC-INFO | Link |
Georgia Legal Aid | Tip sheet for tenants with disputes. | Environmental Justice and Law | N/A | Link |
Emory University | Description of numerous volunteer connections at Emory and other affiliated programs. Seeks to connect students with organizations needing volunteers. | Volunteer Connections | N/A | Link |
Georgia Tech | Georgia Tech landing page for student engagement and how to get in touch with volunteers. | Volunteer Connections | 404-894-3458 | Link |
Georgia State University | Georgia State landing page for student engagement and how to get in touch with volunteers. | Volunteer Connections | 404-413-1550 | Link |