Organization Name |
Services Offered |
Topic |
Phone |
Web Page |
Airnow |
Explains what health problems can be associated with specific air pollutants. |
Outdoor Air Quality |
N/A |
Link |
American Lung Association |
Information on dangers of air pollutants, including ozone and particulate matter. |
Outdoor Air Quality |
800-LUNG-USA |
Link |
Atlanta Botanical Gardens |
General educational materials on plants and animals, as well as a plant hotline. |
Healthy Eating |
404-876-5859 |
Link |
Beyond Pesticides |
Searchable gateway on pesticide hazards and safe pest management, including the least toxic way to deal with a specific pest. |
Pesticides |
202-543-5450 |
Link |
Centers for Disease Control |
Comprehensive guide about lead, healthy homes checklists, policy tools, and case studies. |
Lead |
800-CDC-INFO |
Link |
Centers for Disease Control |
Description of how lead enters the environment and the pathways by which you may be exposed. |
Lead |
800-CDC-INFO |
Link |
Centers for Disease Control |
Tips for healthy homes for the following topics: drinking water, indoor air quality, emergencies and disasters, injury prevention, food safety, and poisoning prevention. |
Healthy Homes |
800-CDC-INFO |
Link |
Clean Water Atlanta |
Highlights and history of the five-point plan to improve Atlanta’s water quality. |
Drinking Water Quality |
N/A |
Link |
Environmental Protection Agency |
Checklists for homes with possible lead exposure, as well as information about testing and the effects of lead. Mailable guide is available. |
Lead |
N/A |
Link |
Environmental Protection Agency |
Educational Materials on asthma, mold, radon, smoke free homes, and general indoor air quality. |
Indoor Air Quality |
N/A |
Link |
Environmental Protection Agency |
Explains general framework of how costs, benefits, and economic impacts will be measured by the EPA when addressing outdoor air quality issues. |
Outdoor Air Quality |
N/A |
Link |
Environmental Protection Agency |
Information about drinking water quality as well as a national safe drinking water hotline. |
Drinking Water Quality |
N/A |
Link |
Environmental Protection Agency |
Information about radon and the dangers of it. |
Radon |
N/A |
Link |
Environmental Protection Agency |
Information on six common outdoor air pollutants, air emission sources, trends, and monitoring information. |
Outdoor Air Quality |
N/A |
Link |
Environmental Protection Agency |
Purchasing tool suite to help purchasers consider the environment along with price and performance in their product searches. |
Safe Cleaning |
N/A |
Link |
Environmental Working Group |
Fish consumption calculator to determine safe levels given your age, gender, and heart disease status. |
Safe Fish Consumption |
N/A |
Link |
Environmental Working Group |
Guide on which plastics to avoid to minimize leaching. |
Common Hazardous Products |
N/A |
Link |
Georgia Department of Public Health |
Highlights the strategies by which Georgia hopes to meet the lead components of the HealthyPeople 2020 goals. |
Lead |
404-657-2700 |
Link |
Georgia Department of Public Health |
Resources for the healthy consumption of fish (in regards to mercury levels). |
Safe Fish Consumption |
404-657-2700 |
Link |
Georgia Environmental Protection Division |
Information on current laws regarding scrap tires and requirements for businesses dealing with tires. |
Solid Waste |
404-656-7802 |
Link |
Georgia Food Oasis |
Information on eating, cooking, and growing to prevent unhealthy eating due to food deserts. |
Healthy Eating |
678-702-0400 |
Link |
Georgia Legal Aid |
The Georgia Tenant Handbook listing rights as a renter and how to proceed with disputes. |
Healthy Homes |
N/A |
Link |
Georgia Organics |
Many resources for consumers to learn about the benefits of organic food. |
Food Issues |
678-702-0400 |
Link |
Green Law |
Information about clean air in Georgia, including current activism and policy. |
Outdoor Air Quality |
404-659-3122 |
Link |
Green Law |
Information about clean water in Georgia, including current activism and policy. |
Lake and Stream Water Quality |
404-659-3122 |
Link |
Green Law |
Information about ongoing environmental justice projects in Georgia. |
Environmental Law |
404-659-3122 |
Link |
Green Seal |
Explanation of the standards used by Green Seal for products. |
Safe Cleaning |
202-872-6400 |
Link |
Housing and Urban Development |
Information on what precautions to take against lead for homes built before 1978. |
Lead |
202-708-1112 |
Link |
Housing and Urban Development |
Information about common issues in homes, including allergies, asthma, carbon monoxide, and home safety. |
Indoor Air Quality |
202-708-1112 |
Link |
Indoor Air Quality Association |
Educational videos and materials for indoor air quality, specifically dealing with mold. |
Indoor Air Quality |
844-802-4103 |
Link |
Mothers and Others for Clean Air |
Tips to protect you and your family, definitions of air pollution and its health effects, and health advisories on air pollution. |
Outdoor Air Quality |
770-544-0508 |
Link |
National Center for Healthy Housing |
Searchable list of healthy home resources, by areas such as contaminant free, pest free and ventilated. |
Safe Cleaning |
410-992-0712 |
Link |
National Public Radio |
Hormone like chemicals are found to be released in a variety of plastics, according to research. |
Common Hazardous Products |
N/A |
Link |
National Resource Defense Council |
Educational Materials on Air Quality as well as NRDC efforts to reduce air pollution. |
Outdoor Air Quality |
202-289-6868 |
Link |
National Safety Council |
Quizzes, fact sheets, and overviews of indoor air quality issues. |
Indoor Air Quality |
800-621-7619 |
Link |
Occupational Safety and Health Administration |
Information on occupations typically exposed to lead, their routes, and threshholds for action. |
Lead |
800-321-OSHA |
Link |
What’s on My Food? |
Searchable list of common foods and what pesticides are found on them. Also details health effects of these pesticides. |
Pesticides |
510-788-9020 |
Link |
Whole Kids Foundation |
School garden resource center, complete with instructions on building, tending, and recipes. |
Food Issues |
N/A |
Link |
UGA Cooperative Extension |
Information about Radon with Georgia-specific resources |
Radon |
706-542-4879 |
Link |
Westside Food Oasis |
Features tips and recipes for healthy cooking; hosts idea-sharing and funding platforms. |
Food Issues |
678-553-5982 |
Link |
Wallace Center |
Provides grants, workshops, and technical assistance to strengthen sustainable food-growing practices. |
Food Issues |
N/A |
Link |