Engaging Multiple Communities to Define the Exposome
Our Community Engagement Core presented their work on learning the community’s definition of the exposome at the International Society for Exposure Science’s (ISES) Annual Meeting, held August 30 – September 2, 2021 and themed “Multisector Engagement for Addressing Emerging Environmental Exposures”. The CEC’s poster presentation described the process and outcomes of the Exposome Roadshow Workshop, which uses a popular education approach with Group Concept Mapping to bring Atlanta-area communities together around their exposome-related concerns. View the poster by clicking the image below.
Lebow-Skelley, E., Tomlinson, M.S., Young, L., Noibi, Y., Blaginin, K., Hooker, M., Williamson, D., Kegler, M.C., Pearson, M. (2021, Aug 30-Sep 2). Engaging Multiple Communities to Define the Exposome [Conference poster presentation] ISES 2021, Virtual.https://intlexposurescience.org/meetings/general-information-v2