Mobile Health (mHealth) Technologies for Monitoring Environmental Exposures and Health Impacts in Low-Income Communities
Study Title: Mobile Health (mHealth) for Monitoring Environmental Exposures and Health Impacts in Low-Income Communities: A Community-Engaged Pilot Study
PI: Christine Ekenga, School of Public Health, Environmental Health
Low-income communities experience chronic exposure to multiple social and environmental stressors. There is growing interest in utilizing mobile health (mHealth) technologies to monitor and improve health in these low-income settings. In addition to providing real-time health and environmental data, mHealth technologies may be useful for actively engaging users in environmental health promotion. In collaboration with local community partners, this project will evaluate whether smartphone-based mobile monitoring is a feasible and acceptable means of collecting environmental, social, and health outcome data from residents of predominantly low-income communities. This pilot project will be a key first step in identifying implementation strategies for adopting mHealth technologies to identify and intervene in local environmental health concerns.
How this study advances exposome science: This project will serve as a proof-of-concept for future research and interventions that will utilize mHealth technologies for monitoring a variety of stressors and adverse health outcomes.