Chapel Hill Organization


Phase 1: Exposome Roadshow Workshop

Residents of the Chapel Hill community in Dekalb County are concerned about the environmental health impacts of their close proximity to Snapfinger Creek Water Treatment Plant, the Seminole landfill, and a defective industrial sewer line that has leaked toxins harmful to residents into the ground and air.

Residents, seeking to build an effective organization with a long term focus to address these issues, came together with Emory HERCULES in October and November 2019 to share their health concerns, learn about the exposome, and identify a health priority. As a result, a group of residents committed to working together to address toxic waste in their community.

Phase 2: Planning Grant

Residents who came together in Phase 1 were awarded $1000 in December 2019 to develop an Action Plan to address the community need identified during the Roadshow:

Toxic waste going through the Chapel Hill Community and the resulting bad smells that affect their quality of life and health.

Phase 3: Action Grant

Residents who completed the Planning Grant (Phase 2), now the Chapel Hill Organization, were awarded a $2500 Action Grant in May 2020 to put their plan into action.

Project Title: Chapel Hill Organization

Project Mission: Inspire residents to work together to reduce industrial pollution, protect our natural resources, and improve the overall health of our community.

Project Goals:

In the next 12 months our group will conduct testing, research, and a review of open records documents from DeKalb County to identify and reduce the horrible smell in our neighborhoods. 

Phase 4: Sustainability Grant

To sustain their efforts, the Chapel Hill Organization was awarded $2500 in May 2021.

Community Identified Health Priority: Improving Air Quality

Project Title: Chapel Hill Organization

Project Mission Statement: Inspire residents to work together to reduce industrial pollution, protect our natural resources, and improve the overall health of community.  

Project-Specific Goal:

To reduce the horrific smells from industrial pollution and to improve the overall health in our community.

Organizational Capacity Goals:

  • Continue to create awareness through the use of social media and community outreach. 
  • Collaborate with various environmental groups with similar issues to share findings and resources. 
  • Present findings to county officials and identify steps to rectify the problems.
  • Encourage the core group and community members to take ownership of community outreach and engagement post COVID 19.